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“My Blood Sugar Stabilized… Thanks To This Herb!”

Insulin Herb (Berberine) also known as the Ayurvedic Miracle Plant, has been traditionally used as medicine for centuries by the Indians and Chinese. Recent years, due to the increasing trend towards Natural Botany Solutions, Western societies have only been made aware of its impressive medicinal benefits.
The anti-hyperglycemic potential of Berberine has been confirmed by multiple human studies. This highlights the ability of Berberine to support blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
The growing numbers of research papers published in various prestigious journals, including the Journal of Metabolism, evaluated and confirmed the anti-diabetic potential of Berberine. (To read the full studies, follow the links at the bottom of this page.)
5 Specific Ways Berberine Can Stabilize Your Blood Sugar
Berberine has been prized for centuries for its healing properties. Now this potent herb is naturally balancing blood sugar levels by helping your body:

Decrease insulin resistance, making the blood sugar lowering hormone ‘insulin’ more effective
Berberine may activate the ‘metabolic master switch’: An energy-stabilizing enzyme found inside cells, AMPK (adenosine monophosphate kinase), is known as a ‘metabolic master switch’ due to its positive influence on metabolism.[*] It’s believed that this helps improve insulin sensitivity at the cellular level.

Decrease sugar production in the liver
Berberine helps slow the sugar factory: According to studies, berberine may stimulate glycolysis, the metabolic pathway by which sugar is broken down and converted to energy, and may inhibit gluconeogenesis, the creation of glucose.[*] In effect, these activities decrease insulin sensitivity and help to balance blood sugar levels.

Slow the breakdown of carbohydrates
Berberine supports the liver: Plant compounds are thought to help improve insulin sensitivity in the liver by reducing its production of glucose. Additionally, berberine is thought to boost thermogenesis. These activities help suppress the liver’s tendency to make new glucose when liver cells become insulin resistant.

Increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. ¹
Several studies have shown that berberine may modulate the gut microbiota through enriching short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing bacteria and reducing microbial diversity. This in turn inhibits dietary polysaccharide degradation and decreases caloric intake in the gut, which may improve energy metabolism and intestinal health; anti-inflammatory effects; and immune regulatory effects.

Removes deep body fat that accumulates around the belly and organs
There’s a strong correlation between blood sugar and weight loss. Research on berberine for weight loss and fat-burning activity is limited but promising. In one 12-week study, subjects lost about 2.3% body weight — or 5 pounds — and lowered BMI and body fat percentage by 3.6% with a dosage of 3,500 mg per day.[*] Another 3-month study revealed a drop in BMI, from 31.5 to 27.4, in obese individuals, as well as a reduction in waist circumference.[*]
(2 Capsules per day for optimal results)
Why We Added Berberine To
Our Store – The Story
As a caregiver myself to a family member with symptoms of Type II, we tried a lot of the doctor’s mainstream advice (exercising, dieting) with very little success. It was through a consultation with a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner did we learn about Berberine. The results we obtained through consuming Berberine were remarkable.
We started offering the product to other people who struggled to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. During a two year period we have received some really notable testimonials. Read some of them below.
Berberine Success Stories*

“Her daily sugar is lower than it has ever been”
I have been taking Berberine to help lower my A1-C. I’m not that high, 5.6 but since Type II runs in my family I want to keep it as low as I can. Since taking the Berberine, my A1-C has gone down to 5.5. I have ordered some for my mother that has a 8.4 A1-C and she has noticed her daily sugar is lower than it has ever been. I am anxious to see what her results will be when she goes back for blood work. – Cheryl L Young

“Works better”
Thank you, I love this product! I have not had to take metformin for a year because it works better!! – Brooklyn Perry

“Blood sugar came down”
After one cap last night after a meal, my blood sugar came down. – Ray Webb

“Lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects”
I suffer from PCOS and Metformin made me ill. Berberine has lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects. – Elizabeth Mitchell

“This product is a fantastic product.”
I got it for my uncle, his sugar dropped from between 200 to 400 to 80 just the next morning and it has been running between 70 and 100 for about two months. His blood Pressure is better and his energy level went up. He is back to caring for himself daily and walking without support. Thank you very much for this product. – Strong

“Totally happy with product”
I bought this product because i had read that it removes deep body fat; this is the fat that accumulates around your belly and many organs, this was confirmed on mayo clinic website. It also claims that it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and boosts metabolism. all i know is that since i have started taking my weight has gradually decreased when all i am doing is trying to maintain. haven’t had sugar and cholesterol checked but definitely will continue to use. – J.S Wise
* Results may vary from person to person and are not typical. This product is not claiming to cure a medical condition. We offer a Money Back Guarantee should you not be satisfied with results.
To use Berberine to heal without side effects, the Beberine needs to pass 2 TESTS:
Test #1
Now, it’s a known fact that for Berberine to have it’s best effects, the recommended daily dosage is around 1500mg.
The problem is Berberine is very potent stuff and consuming 1500mg in a single dosage can cause stomach discomfort, cramps and even have you running to the bathroom every 15 minutes.
Many studies have shown you should take Berberine 500mg, three times daily, to reach the correct recommended dosage. Using separate doses improves absorption but more importantly helps you avoid side effects like stomach cramps and nausea that arise from a concentrated 1500mg dose.
So it had to be in a capsule form: at 500mg per dose.
So we had to use Berberine sourced organically from the tree bark of Phellodendron Amurense, sterilized them after harvesting and extracted the Berberine into 500mg dose, capsule form.
Test #2
One extra ingredient added to amplify Berberine’s results.
A little known flowering herb, Milk Thistle, which belongs to the daisy and ragweed family. It’s often called the Holy Thistle because it has a long history of treating liver problems, lowering cholesterol, lowering inflammation.
But the real benefit is in the fact that Milk Thistle’s main active ingredient is Silymarin and once combined with Berberine, was shown in one study to increase the bioavailability of berberine in the intestines and to raise its concentration in the blood and for longer periods of time.
Dedicated to Improving your Lifestyle Without Breaking the Bank
Here at Ezyabsorb, we developed our Berberine with the purpose of improving the lifestyle of people who have trouble keeping their blood sugar under control. Our goal is to provide the best possible supplement at the best possible value. We achieve this goal by providing you with a supplement that has seen positive results across the board in a real human study, at the incredible value of less than $30 per month, as well as a money back guarantee.
Order With No Risk With Our 100%
Money-Back Guarantee
We make sure our customers love their product or we will refund 100% of their investment. We’re so confident you’ll enjoy Berberine that we’ll bear all the risk.

Free Expedited Shipping For 3 Bottles Or More (2-7 Days In The US)
No one likes waiting 21 days or more for their parcel. That’s why we’ve given free expedited shipping on our dime, all so you get to try our products before the week comes to an end.

90-Day, Empty Bottle, 100% Guarantee
Enjoy Berberine for the next 90 days and if you don’t love the experience, let us know and we’ll make it right for you.

Risk-Free Returns & Shipping
Should you decide that you don’t enjoy Berberine, send it back to us and you’ll get a full refund.
Put Berberine To Work Today And Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Each bottle contains a 30-Day supply (60 capsules). Recommended intake is 1000-1500mg a day (each capsule contains 500 mg). Take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day before or after a meal.
Rest assured that all orders made on this page are one-time purchases. This means that you will not be charged again for subsequent months. There will not be any recurring billing or hidden charges. When you are ready to order, you can purchase again from our website

Purchase by accessing the link on the side https://shre.ink/awrR