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nov 28, 2023 #BABYMONSTER

BABYMONSTER debuts with “Batter Up”; meet the group

The group made their debut under the YG Entertainment label, responsible for BLACKPINK, BIGBANG and more

por Vitória Roque27 de novembro de 2023, 21:04


Last Sunday (26), the K-pop group BABYMONSTER made their official debut! The band is part of YG Entertainment – the company responsible for BLACKPINKBIGBANGTREASUREAKMU and more.

girlband made their debut with the single “Batter Up”, which features a mix of trap, pop and hip-hop. The clip, which has a baseball theme, also features energetic choreography. Watch it below:

BABYMONSTER: meet the new K-pop group

BABYMONSTER’s line-up features six members – RamiRoraPharitaChiquitaRuka and Asa. Originally, the group also included Ahyeon. However, the record company told News1 that the singer was leaving the band for personal reasons.

At the time, the company said: “We’re sad that we can’t show Ahyeon as part of BABYMONSTER. But we promise to provide her with all the resources so that she can return in the best condition.”

The group’s debut has been eagerly awaited by the K-pop industry. This is because this is the first time that YG Entertainment has presented a girlgroup since the debut of BLACKPINK, which took place in 2016.

The label has been working on the band’s image for some time. In May, the artists presented the track “DREAM”, which was described as a single pre-debut. Check it out:

Now, with “Batter Up”, BABYMONSTER officially begins its promotions as an active group. YG Entertainment is expected to release more news soon.

Fonte: https://tracklist.com.br/babymonster-batter-up/171080

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Jornalista/ Bacharel em Ciência Política / Sociólogo/ Produtor Musical, Gestor em Segurança Pública e Policiamento / Pós graduado em Sociologia e Política de Segurança Pública

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